Things/Myths related to English literature
English literature is still enigma for many people out there. Many people I encountered still have some fallacies related to it. Moreover, many high school students too are unaware of what is taught in English college/universities classes because most students don't suo motu read outside the limited excerpts taught in their curriculum. So, this post is chiefly for those school students who wish to study English in college, but any person curious about literature can read it, of course. Here are some things which I noticed, feel free to disagree and I would request you to share your experience in the comment section. 1) Study of English grammar : I have encountered many students who took admission in MA English just to hone their grammar knowledge or they expected to learn nouns and verbs once again. Some of them had been struck by lightning when they came to know that they were going to study love poetry. John Donne? Brothers, you could take a leaf out of his poetry to impress...